Course Ratings are an essential part of the World Handicap System...
The Metropolitan Course Rating Committee has the responsibility of implementing the USGA Course Rating System throughout the St. Louis Metropolitan area.

The Course Rating Committee traditionally re-rates courses on a ten-year cycle, paying special attention to new clubs, which are re-rated three times in the first 10 years of their existence. This type of schedule allows a course to mature and for the Course Rating Committee to closely review the growth of the course. Many clubs continue to make design changes to their courses, and the committee works closely with the club staff and membership to gather important information that will be needed during the rating procedure. This collaboration with club leaders such as head golf course superintendents and greens chairmen helps to ensure accurate and updated measurements are being used in a rating.
Precision is of the utmost importance while performing course ratings at MAGA member clubs, and members of the MAGA Course Rating Committee attend a pre-season workshop to fine-tune their skills and learn about any updates to the course rating procedure. Accurate measurements are necessary components of a reliable course rating, and the MAGA Course Rating committee is responsible for one of the most visible and useful of all MAGA services.
This section will provide information on the USGA Course Rating System.
Course Rating Topics