The Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association provides a variety of services to its Members Clubs, their members, and the general golfing community of our region. Services are provided through our staff and individual volunteers.
Member Club Services Include:
Handicap Service
The Golf Handicap Index Network (GHIN) system is promoted and supported by the Metropolitan. Currently, there are more than 130 clubs and over 25,000 golfers in our region utilizing the GHIN system.
Course Rating and Measurement
The Metropolitan Course Rating service is busy each year. The Metropolitan rating teams measure and rate approximately 15 courses a year, using strict USGA guidelines. Metropolitan rating volunteers are led by Ron Rhoades and Jayne Watson.
USGA Tournament Management
USGA Tournament Management powered by Golf Genius, which is supported by the Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association, offers clubs an excellent computer-based system to manage competitions, leagues, golf outings, golf shops, lessons, and more! NEW: Golf Genius Golf Hub users can promote their events to our regional association hub.
Rules of Golf Services
The Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association Staff conducts Rules of Golf workshops for its Member Clubs and answers rules disputes under the direction of nationally recognized officials. We also maintain a supportive group of well versed, USGA certified Rules Officials.
Over 45 days of competition are provided by the Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association, including 11 MAGA Championships, 9 USGA Qualifying Rounds and our Amateur Series of events. Competitions include events for golfers of all ages and abilities, utilizing and supporting our Member Club facilities. Our Staff also conducts rules workshops and assists clubs with course marking and rules interpretation.
Publications and Information
The Association offers its eNewsletter, The Metropolitan, 8 times per year, eRevisions on the 1st and 15th of each month, calendars, schedules, entry forms, and other golf related literature. The Metropolitan also maintains this web site for the convenience of golfers everywhere.
USGA Liaison
The Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association monitors national issues, processes reinstatements to amateur status, and conducts qualifying rounds for 9 of the 13 USGA Championships. We work closely and alonside the USGA to ensure clear and concise messaging and interpretations are exchanged to the greater golfing community.
Internship in Golf Administration
The Metropolitan Amateur Golf Aassociation implements internships in a golf administration education and training program through the USGA’s P.J. Boatwright Jr. Internship Program. We currently provide three (3) positions available each summer.

Contact Curt Rohe to learn more on what that would look like for your club!