2024 PJ Boatwright Applications Now Open!
The Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association is looking for 3 interns to join our team in 2024!
We are seeking 2 operations interns and 1 communications intern to help with our golf initiatives next summer. Our interns gain hands-on experience in conducting championships and working on golf administrative duties. Interns will gain insight into a variety of areas within the golf community complex. Any individual interested in a career in golf is highly encouraged to apply. Please follow the links provided below for more information.
Do you know someone that would be great for these positions? Send them our way!
Operations Intern (3 Months & 6 Months):
Click Here to Apply
Communications Intern (3 Months):
Click Here to Apply
The P.J. Boatwright Internship Program was established in 1991 with the goal to give experience to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in golf administration. Interns will help local golf associations to conduct tournaments, junior golf programs, membership services, and other general activities to promote the best interest of golf.