2023 Winter Rules Sessions

Below are the recordings for each week of the 2023 Winter Rules Sessions:

Helpful documents, study tools for the Rules of Golf: 
Internal Definitions

Week 1 - January 11 - Major Changes to the Rules for 2023; Rule 1

Week 2 - January 18 - Rules 2-3-4

Week 2 Question: Question/clarification regarding Rule 4.3a

Does a suspension of play impact the prohibited uses of equipment? E.g. 4.3a(6) swing aid

Immediate suspension for thunderstorm: swing aid being used while awaiting play to resume?  Very first sentence of Rule 4.3a states “Rule 4.3 applies to all types of equipment that a player might use during a round . . .  “.  (no mention of when play is stopped or suspended).   Player may swing with weighted donut on club or use a DMD when play is stopped or suspended.

Normal suspension for darkness: swing aid being used the next morning prior to play resuming? No problem here either during warmup.

Question on 4.3a(1) distance measuring device

Are there any MAGA events that prohibit standard DMDs? No
USGA Qualifying events: No, and while they cannot be used during the USGA Open Championships, they can be used during the qualifying phases. 

Week 3 - January 25 - Rules 5-6
Week 3 Questions:
Dave Verhulst: re:5.3a No practice strokes while playing a hole...3rd bullet scenario...
e.q., match play: player 2 concedes hole after hitting 2 tee shots OB while player 1 tee shot in the fairway.  Can players continue to play out the hole?
Answer:  Although 5.5b clearly states that a player may not make practice strokes after completion of a hole except for chipping or putting at the putting green of the hole just competed or the next teeing ground, the 3rd bullet point of 5.5a (No Practice Strokes While Playing Hole) allows this:  Strokes made by a player in playing out a hole whose result has been decided - not a practice stroke.
Maria Morrison: If a player's ball comes to rest on another hole's tee box, does the player get relief if ball comes to rest next to tee marker or do they have to take unplayable penalty?
Answer: The teeing area of another hole (or even another tee on the same hole) is in the General Area (just like a Wrong Green is in the General Area).  The tee marker on that other spot is not a tee marker but a Movable Obstruction.  Player may play the ball as it lies or move the movable obstruction (Rule 15.2). If the player's ball moves during removal of the obstruction, there is NO PENALTY and the player's ball must be replaced (not dropped) on its original spot. 
Dave Hampton: In a net match play event do you use the net or gross score to determine the order of play on the next hole.
Answer: Honour at the next hole is based on which side won the previous hole (or in the event of a tie, the honour on the previous hole). Handicap strokes are part of determining which side has won the hole.

Week 4 - February 1 -  Rules 7-8
Week 4 Questions:

If the player takes back-on-the-line relief, drops the right way on the line, and the ball rolls more than one club-length from where the ball struck the line, where does the player have to re-drop?  On the line again?

Answer:  In this situation the player has two choices:
1.  The initial drop established a relief area one club-length in any direction (i.e., a circle) from the spot on the line where the dropped ball struck the course.  The player may re-drop a ball anywhere in that one-club-length circle.
2.  Alternatively, the player may re-drop back-on-the-line again nearer to or farther from the hole than where the initial drop struck the line (e.g., 10 yards closer or 20 yards farther back).  See Clarification 14.5b(1)/1.  Done the right way, the re-drop will be the player's second drop.  If the re-drop also rolls out of the resulting one-club-length relief area, the player must place a ball on the spot where the re-dropped ball struck the line  

A player lifts their ball on the Putting Green, setting it aside without intent for it to be in play.  By mistake the player plays it from there.  What is the ruling?
A. No penalty
B. General Penalty for playing a wrong ball
C. General Penalty for playing from a wrong place
Obviously a wrong ball, but also from a wrong place.  Does the wrong ball supercede the wrong place?

Answer: Since ball set aside was NOT in play, it can't be in a wrong place.  It's a wrong ball.  If the player places the ball on a wrong spot on the green, it's in play in a wrong place.  

Week 5 - February 8 - Rules 9-10

Week 6 - February 15 - Rules 11-12-13

Question:  How about taking imbedded ball relief above the bunker and the ball rolls in the bunker twice and then places the ball thinking it may start rolling. What are the raking options?

Answer: see 8.2b Exception - Actions to Care for the Course. A smart player will answer that they are caring for the course as opposed to altering conditions affecting the next stroke.
Week 7 - February 22 - Rules 14-15
Question: What about a ball that is dropped when it should be placed.  Not mentioned here.  General penalty?
Answer: Likely. Only in case where dropped ball ends up on exact spot where it was to be placed would there be a 1-stroke procedure penalty. Covered by Rule 14.2b(2)
Penalty statement for 14.2 - 
"Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Rule 14.2: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a."
Also see Clarification 14.2b(2)/1 Player Drops Ball When Ball Is to Be Replaced
Week 8 - March 1 - Rules 16-17

Week 9 - March 8 - Rules 18-19-25

Week 10 - March 15 - Rules 20-21-22-23-24

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