Coming in 2024, changes are being made to the WHS to improve accuracy, consistency, and equity.
This page is dedicated to helping you better understand the changes that are being made and how it will affect you!
Changes can sometimes seem like a scary venture, but the USGA and R&A strive to only make necessary changes that will enhance the game. In this joint effort, the USGA and R&A govern and administer to 125 countries that use the World Handicap System(WHS). The World Handicap System was introduced in 2020, and over the last four years, the entities have gathered performance data, as well as, feedback from many countries to determine how the system can be improved to better serve the golfers of the world. Reviews of the WHS will continue to be made in regular intervals, just as in other areas of governance in golf.
Key Changes 101
New Minimum Course Length!Treatment of 9-Hole Scores
Treatment of Holes Not Played
Overview of Changes
Golf Ball Changes
Read About the Changes Being MadeFAQ